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Thursday 9 June 2016

Dave Benson Phillips and Bugsy - 1995 - Nick Jr. - Nickelodeon UK

Were Dave Benson Phillips and Bugsy your favourite Nickelodeon presenters? Let #NickPostcards know in the comments below!

Bogey the Bogie and Rude the Reindeer - 1995 - Nickelodeon UK

Were Bogey and Rude your favourite Nickelodeon presenters? Let #NickPostcards know in the comments below!

See also: Bogey the Bogie and Rude the Reindeer (Autographed) - 1995 - Nickelodeon UK

Mounya and Yiolanda - 1995 - Nickelodeon UK

Full Names: Mounya Khamlichi and Yiolanda Koppel (Née Ttokkallos)

Nick Names: Mou & Yio, Moo & Yoo, Yolly (Yiolanda)

Were Mounya and Yiolanda your favourite Nickelodeon presenters? Let #NickPostcards know in the comments below!

See also: Mounya and Yiolanda (Autographed) - 1995 - Nickelodeon UK

James Gilbey - 1995 - Nickelodeon UK

James Gilbey fact: Before becoming a presenter on Nickelodeon UK, James was a actor on EastEnders!

Was James Gilbey your favourite Nickelodeon presenter? Let #NickPostcards know in the comments below!